Kamloops Storage and Moving Blog

Renovations and Your Home Storage – February 15th 2012

Do you really want to live in a renovation zone? To reduce the possibility of damage to your possessions or injury to workers, remove your possessions before doing a major renovation.

GO BOX Storage has many customers who are doing renovations on their homes. Some of these customers are experienced renovators. Our happiest renovating customers use GOBOXES to store any items that would be in the room of the renovation, any rooms in the transit area and any room that needs to be converted to other uses during the renovation.

Storing possessions from these rooms avoids accidental damage that can happen during the renovation process. It also avoids workers getting injured on your property because they are trying to work around your possessions. Even without someone making a mistake or getting hurt, furniture and possessions in a renovation zone do not mix.

I knew one woman who was almost in tears over the dirt, dust and construction debris all over her furniture, display shelves and storage boxes. Every item had to be wiped down with a damp cloth to remove the dust. Some things didn’t wipe down very well, especially when drywall dust was involved. All her window coverings had to be laundered or dry cleaned. It was a nightmare cleaning her possessions after the renovation.

When the rooms in the renovation area are empty, clean up is much easier. Any damage can be quickly repaired. If you are doing a major renovation in your home, using a GOBOX for storage will save time and money. Time is saved by avoiding unnecessary clean up. Money can be saved by having your workmen focused on the renovation and not worrying about damaging your stuff. With many trades working at over $50 per hour, it doesn’t take very long to pay for your GOBOX.

Many customers who are renovating use your home storage. Your home storage is where the GOBOX goes to your property and is stored on your property the whole time during the renovation. When the renovation is over, the GOBOX is returned to our warehouse empty. The great thing about your home storage is the low cost and your return trip to the warehouse is already paid for.

Your home storage is really convenient because it allows you to have access to all your possessions during the renovation. Usually your homeowner’s insurance covers your possessions in the GOBOX while it is on your property, but contact your insurance broker to be sure. Your home storage does have some disadvantages. Please read Three GO BOX Storage Options for more information about how to protect your possessions.

Occasionally, renovators want the GOBOXES off their property during the renovation. This is no problem. GO BOX Storage has both heated and unheated warehousing. There will, however, be an added cost to re-deliver your GOBOXES at the end of your renovation.

Usually renovators want to store at one of our warehouses if the renovation is very extensive and they are not going to be living in the house during the renovation. Renovators prefer heated warehouse storage if the GOBOX will be used for storage of antique furnishings or items that can be damaged by extremes in temperatures. Sometimes there is just not enough space on the property for the GOBOXES and the work crew’s vehicles.

Using a GOBOX during a renovation helps:

    • prevent damage to your possessions by workmen;
    • avoid accidents in your home by having a clear working area; and
    • saves time and hassle by avoiding unnecessary cleaning after the renovation.

Most customers doing a renovation use one GOBOX. Here is where you can order your GOBOX online.

SOS TIP: If you are doing a very large renovation and are not sure how many GOBOXES you will need, please use the GOBOX Estimator. If you are wondering how best to use the Estimator, walk around the rooms that are going to be renovated after reading Using the GOBOX Estimator.

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