How to Clean Induction & Ceramic Hobs the Easy Way

how to clean induction and ceramic hobs

In recent years more and more people, families in general, choose to go with an induction or a ceramic hob. The reasons are plenty, (especially for the induction type): they are eco-friendly, safe for kids and pets, they look stylish, and are generally good long-term investments. Still, when it comes to cleaning, many people are less keen to try any DIY methods in fear that they might damage the hobs. We are here to tell you that there are plenty of safe and efficient DIY methods and home remedies you can choose from.

Table of contents

  • What is an induction hob
  • Difference between ceramic and induction hobs
  • What detergents to avoid
  • How to clean an induction hob
  • How to clean a ceramic hob
  • Professional cleaning by Fantastic
  • Regular maintenance tips

So, if you:

  • Own an induction or ceramic hob;
  • Are looking for tips on how to clean and maintain then;
  • Want to know what detergents to avoid,

Then this article is for you!

What is an induction hob and why it is so easy to clean

You’ve probably seen many commercials and had many friends trying to lure you into joining the induction hob fan club. One of the appliance’s main selling points is the easy maintenance and cleaning process.

Here’s some ramblings about the science behind induction hobs

The induction hob has its name because of the way that it heats up. Old fashioned hobs use either a direct flame or an electric heater, whilst induction hobs operate through the process of magnetic induction to directly heat up the cooking pot.

The induction hob has a copper conductor coil, through which runs a high-frequency alternating current. The resulting magnetic field affects the cooking pot in a similar way as to how a magnetic core functions in a transformer, and thus, generating a large vortex current in the cooking pot. Due to the resistance of the material that the pot is made from, the vortex current heats it.

Maybe, you are still asking yourself about what this means for you and your family and whether induction hobs are any good at all.

The fact that almost no peripheral heat is released during the heating process, means that the cooktop itself never gets hot. This technology not only makes the hob energy-efficient but also ensures that it’s safe for kids. It only works if the pot is made of, or contains, a ferromagnetic material, such as cast iron or certain types of stainless steel. This means that no little hands or cat paws can activate the hob.

Now that you know how the hob actually works, it’s easier to explain why it’s so easy to clean.

When all the heat is concentrated into the pot and its contents, there’s a very little chance for you to end up with burnt spilt food on the hob. We can’t say the same about traditional gas-fuelled or electric stoves, though. So kiss the burnt spaghetti goodbye! A simple wipe with a damp cloth is what you need to bring back the initial shine of your cooktop.

The practical design of an induction hob

The simple and stylish glass-ceramic surface of the induction hob is also a winning characteristic of its great design. Not only do they make them more contemporary looking and overall pleasing to the eye, but the flat, smooth surface turns the cleaning from a chore to a second-long wiping with one hand. No more wondering how to get around all of the bumps and parts of steel gas cooktops.

Wait, ceramic and induction hobs are not the same thing?

Now, that is a good question. An easy way to explain the difference between the induction and ceramic hobs is if we just say that the induction hob is the better, safer and more environmentally friendly younger brother of the ceramic hob. The induction type stops to work the second you remove the pot from it, whilst the ceramic one needs to be turned off manually. As we’ve already mentioned, the induction hob directly heats up the vessel, while the ceramic hob heats up everything, which results in not only burnt food but in many potentially dangerous situations for you and your family. The only plus is probably the price – the ceramic brother is cheaper than its sibling.

Overall, in the battle of induction hob vs ceramic hob, most of the times, the induction type wins. So, think carefully if you are stuck between the two of them when choosing which one to get for your kitchen.

What detergents to avoid

A word of caution!

Always be extremely careful when you clean your induction hobs as they are easily damaged by some types of detergents and different methods of cleaning.

Cleaning detergents to avoid

If you have decided to personally take care of the state of your hobs, then keep away from any caustic and abrasive cleaners. This includes ammonia/bleach containing detergents and any other scrubbing agents. Naturally, you also have to completely exclude scouring pads and steel wool. The glass surface is not just for the looks, it’s also an important part of the heating process and damaging it will lead to discolouration and white marks on your induction hob. And if you are experiencing problems like these, you might need to seek electrical appliance repair help from the professionals.

So, here is a summarised no-no list of products and materials, you need to avoid when cleaning.

  • Chlorine bleach cleaners
  • Metal scouring pads
  • Flammable cleaners
  • Caustic cleaners
  • Dishwashing agents
  • Scrub sponges
  • Powdery cleaners
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How to clean an induction hob

Thankfully, induction hobs are super easy to clean. There aren’t any burnt food or cooking pot marks to take care of, so most of the time, some water and a standard kitchen detergent are more than enough to do the job. Before you start cleaning, make sure that the hob is completely cooled off.

Supplies you will need:

  • 2 dry and clean microfiber cloths. One to apply the detergent with and one to dry everything up in the end.
  • A kitchen cleaning fluid, made for lifting grease from induction tops, plain dishwashing detergent or good liquid laundry detergent. One of the three.
  • White vinegar.

As with ceramic hobs, watch out for detergents with harmful ingredients, and any cleaning tools, which might cause damage.

  1. Wipe up all the dirt and loose food, so you can see if any areas will need more attention than others.
  2. Apply a bit of lukewarm, soapy water to the surface of the hob with the soft microfiber cloth.
  3. Rinse with clean water and dry the top properly with a clean cloth.
  4. As a finishing touch, you can sprinkle some white vinegar on top, leave it for a bit, and then, wipe up the surface with a dry clean cloth.

How to clean a ceramic hob

You will need:

  • a cleaning detergent made especially for cleaning ceramic and glass hobs
  • a soft, non-abrasive cloth
  • a newspaper
  1. Start by cleaning up all the food splatters excess food from the surface.
  2. Spread a bit of the cleaning fluid over the area you wish to clean.
  3. Let the ceramic hob cleaner soak in properly, softening the burnt food and making it easy to remove. Remember that if you leave the cleaner to stay on for too long, it will harden and become harder to remove.
  4. When it’s time to start cleaning the ceramic hob, do it in slow, circular motions with a microfiber cloth. After each wipe, clean the cloth under running water. If there are any areas where a little bit more effort is needed, you can use a scrunched up old newspaper. It is slightly rougher than the cloth, but still soft enough to not scratch the surface. Of course, always make a test on a small, inconspicuous area, to avoid bigger damage.
Always be careful when applying a professional detergent and strictly follow the manufacturer’s  instructions. You can also read our blog post about oven cleaner fumes and see how you can prevent or minimize the risk of chemical poisoning.

Professional oven cleaning from Fantastic Services

Even if they are many effective DIY cleaning methods, nothing could compare with a professional service.

We understand the needs of our clients, so that’s why offer the best option for your oven on the market.

  1. The oven technician will choose the best possible product for your exact type of hob. This will not only ensure a top quality cleaning service but also eliminate the risk of damage.
  2. The rest of the oven will be cleaned through the dip tank method. This technique involves dismantling all the removable parts of the oven, dipping them in special detergents and gently cleaning all of the dirt and excess food.
  3. After the cleaning is done, the oven and the hobs as well, will be disinfected and the friendly technician will give you the best tips and tricks on how to maintain your kitchen appliance.

Check our article on how much oven cleaning costs. Prices can differ on a variety of factors, so it’s best to have an idea of what you might be paying for!

Regular maintenance tips for induction and ceramic hobs

Regular and proper maintenance is extremely important if you want your cooking appliance to be happy. It will not only reduce the time you will spend cleaning every time but also make it a lot easier and more pleasant.

  1. When cleaning by yourself, always use detergents made especially for your type of glass, induction or ceramic hob.
  2. Do a simple wipe up, with or without an induction hob cleaner, after every time you cook. Wait until the hob is properly cooled off and clean it up with some warm soapy water. It only takes a minute and will save you a lot of time in the future.
  3. If you spill anything, clean up immediately. Sugary and sticky stains are extremely hard to remove once they are settled it. Remember, each forgotten spill will turn into a stain, laughing in your face and making the cleaning a lot harder than it should be.
  4. Make sure that you use a non-abrasive and gentle scraper when you deal with more stubborn dirt and burnt food.
  5. Check with your manufacturer which are the best cooking utensils and pots you can use with your hob. You’ve probably made a solid investment by choosing an induction hob, so don’t ruin it by using the wrong kitchen hardware. This includes pots and pans made from glass, stoneware, aluminium, ceramic or cast iron. The ones you can use when cooking with an induction hob are steel, and magnetic stainless steel that contains some iron. By doing so you will ensure a good quality tasting food and avoid damage to your cooking surface.
  6. Once a week spray with a bit of glass cleaner to sanitise your hobs.

Your hobs lost their shine?

We’re here to help. Get your hobs professionally cleaned with Fantastic Services

  • We’re certified:
Your hobs lost their shine?


  • Even if ceramic and induction tops look quite similar, they have many important technological differences.
  • The ceramic hobs are cheaper and still a better option than a gas cooker.
  • An induction hob is eco-friendly, safe, stylish, and super easy to clean.
  • Follow the regular maintenance tips to reduce the time and effort you will spend cleaning your induction or ceramic hob.
  • In case you don’t want to risk anything, you can always turn to a professional oven cleaner to do the job for you.
  • No matter if you will do the cleaning and maintenance yourself, or you will hire a professional, don’t neglect your oven hobs. If you treat them well, they will serve you well.


What is your experience with induction or ceramic hobs? What are the dangers you avoid when cleaning them? Let us know in the comments below and if you liked this article, don’t forget to share it with your family and friends.

Header image source: Deposit Photos by Andrey Popov

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